No more worrying about lead generation, going over-budget, or finding B2B prospects.

Here are the systems we've built to get you results - at scale.

step 1

We'll find the leads for you.

Our scraping system, Rabscrape, generates thousands of prospects on a daily basis.
This scraping system enables us to find any business across any industry in any location in the world. You get as many leads as you want across as many industries as you want and anywhere you want, with extremely high accuracy.

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step 2

We'll deliver them straight into your inbox.

Our marketing system, PryMail, engages businesses with personalized, compelling outreach.
This proprietary system sends out thousands of personalized emails with extremely high delivery rates. We combine different angles and approaches to test out thousands of different combinations and constantly figure out the very best for you.

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step 3

We'll optimize and improve based on data.

We don't just help you get B2B leads on a daily basis - we also optimize your campaigns at massive scales.
Everything is optimized: subject lines, email templates, pitches and CTAs, industries, even the actual process-building. This means we help you turn your leads from "cold & interested" (when they just reply to your email) to HOT (sales call and closing).

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The best B2B Marketing Automation Service on the planet.

Better results than PPC Ads

On average, our results are 10x better than FB and Google Ads because you’re not in a bidding competition against other people in your market.
Easier to Scale Campaigns

Once we have a process that works, you can scale it up as much as you want. Meaning if you put in 10x more money, you’re going to get 10x more results.
Better Results from Day 1

Our clients start getting leads literally from day 1 across the board consistently. Our system deals with volume, and volume = results.
Huge ROI and Success

The math is simple. You'll get so many sales calls that you'll be able to pay for the entire system within a month and get the marketing for free.

Weekly optimization

We constantly tweak and improve your campaign using the data received to maximize results, ready to pivot at any time to test new directions.
Clear Market Feedback

A huge benefit: we can literally test drive your campaign in one day for immediate results to see if people are connecting to the message or not.
Work with our Experts

We want only the best for you. If you need help with your outreach or marketing message or any aspect of your business, you can trust our team of experts - we know exactly what we're doing.
Better Service & Support

Your results and success is all that counts. Whatever you need, from changing email templates to pivoting in a new direction, we offer an unlimited level of support. Almost any request will be done within 24 hours.

Free from Social Oligarchs

You don't need approval from the likes of Mark Zuckerberg for your campaign with us. This is true freedom from social media restraints, unlike almost every business in the world.
No hidden costs, fees or upsells

What you pay at the beginning is what you keep paying as we work together. No hidden costs. No bad surprises. Just straight talk for success.
Rapidly Growing Database

As we scrape leads for you, we are literally creating a custom-tailored database specifically engineered to your business. This is a powerful tool you can use in the future for retargeting and email marketing.
Done-For-You Service

It's simple: we do everything for you. We figure out who to target and the best marketing angles. We design the email templates. We build the entire prospect database. We help you every single step of the way.

Why choose us?

We'll get you better B2B marketing results than anything you've ever seen.

Book a Call

How it works

We'll use this call to understand exactly who to target for you and exactly how we're going to market your business.

Once we've done the initial onboarding call, it takes us about 10 days to launch your campaign.

From day 1, we're working closely with you to maximize results. You should expect to see results from the first day - and it only gets better over time, as we optimize and improve your campaign.

This is a monthly service - and it's our job to make you money so you'll want to work with us for years to come. This is what we do best - so let's take care of you starting today.

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